Man Up, Son!
Briana Kiley Briana Kiley

Man Up, Son!

Gosh I wish this was discussed more especially with moms who have sons. I’ve been looking at my own parenting with a deeper lens lately. Trying to find approaches that feel good to me in my mom journey, trying to be a better mom. I think we’ve all been there, right?

As a boy mom, I hear the expression, “man up” way too much as a response to my sons’ behavior and showing their emotions. And quite honestly, I feel there is a better way of communicating.

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The Struggle Is Real… #MOMLIFE
Briana Kiley Briana Kiley

The Struggle Is Real… #MOMLIFE

I know we’ve all heard that being a MOM is the hardest job in the world! And it is absolutely 100% TRUE! The struggle is real and we are trying to be the very best mom our child needs. We overload ourselves with “how to parent” books, text our mom friends for guidance and tips, Googling how to get our child to eat, sleep, communicate... The list goes on and on! Are you ready to let go of the high pressure, mom guilt, and information overload in order to try intentional parenting? When we parent with intention, we are tuning into what our child needs and adapting our parenting style to support them.

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Follow Your Child’s Lead
Briana Kiley Briana Kiley

Follow Your Child’s Lead

Your child chose you to be their parent. They chose you for many reasons and knew you were the best person they would need as their guide in life. Always remember that! You have what it takes to empower, nourish, and support your little one in becoming who they are meant to be! And your child intuitively knows what they like, don’t like, what works and doesn’t work for them. Provide a sacred space for them to explore, make mistakes, learn from their experiences, and develop their passions. Your child knows the way, it’s imbedded within them, so follow their lead.

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Believe In Who You Are
Briana Kiley Briana Kiley

Believe In Who You Are

When we are willing to take a risk by going for what we want in life, leaping into the unknown, and truly believing in ourselves to make it happen...beautiful things begin happening. By shifting your mindset from impossible to possible, from I can't to I can and I will, you are changing your thought pattern from settling in life to creating your dream life.

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Step Out Of Your Own Way & Step Into Your Power
Briana Kiley Briana Kiley

Step Out Of Your Own Way & Step Into Your Power

Have you ever felt not good enough, not worthy enough to live a life you have dreamed? Perhaps, you hold self- doubt in your capabilities or have a lacking mindset. There are several fears that show up in our lives that keep us from achieving whatever we desire to do. These fears are what limit us from becoming our fullest potential, our best selves.

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What Is Human Design?
Briana Kiley Briana Kiley

What Is Human Design?

As of recently, there has been a lot of chatter around Human Design, but a lot of people are left clueless when trying to understand what it actually is. In the most simplistic terms, Human Design is like an energetic circuit board generated from your birth information (Date, Time & Place). Calibrated by the alignment of the planets and the stars on your birthday, generating a chart detailing out your unique composition. This energetic circuit board provides a blueprint to turning on your battery, also known as, your inner light, your soul’s purpose.

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Parenting By Design
Briana Kiley Briana Kiley

Parenting By Design

Do you find yourself being frustrated, overwhelmed, or even disconnected from your child? If you have multiple children, have you noticed what works for one child typically won't work for others? Wouldn't it be amazing to have a parenting guide which helps you understand all the unique intricacies of your child? Yes, please!

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