Step Out Of Your Own Way & Step Into Your Power

Have you ever felt not good enough, not worthy enough to live a life you have dreamed? Perhaps, you hold self- doubt in your capabilities or have a lacking mindset. There are several fears that show up in our lives that keep us from achieving whatever we desire to do. These fears are what limit us from becoming our fullest potential, our best selves. I’ve outlined below the most common fears along with ways to overcome them. 

  • Believing in Lack: With a lacking mindset, you may feel there is never enough. Whether it is a lack of finances, work, time, opportunities, etc. You fear there isn’t enough for everyone or even enough to live off of. As a result, you may take, take, and take more. This fear blocks any abundance from entering into your life. 

    In whatever aspect of life you feel lack, this is the area where you need to give more. When you GIVE you open the energy flow to RECEIVE. For instance, make a donation, provide a free class, give your time to help and serve others. This allows you to remain open and grateful which attracts more abundance.

  • Feeling Unworthy: You may feel not good enough or not deserving of the life you are wanting to create. This fear holds you back from being who you are meant to be. 

    When you think of yourself as inadequate and unworthy, you start to believe it. Create I AM mantras to begin/end your day: I Am Deserving, I Am Enough, I AM Everything I Need, I Love You. When you shift your thoughts to loving yourself, others will gravitate towards you. The career, relationship, a healthy lifestyle you’ve always wanted is now within reach. You become who you want to be when you feel worthy of it. We are all worthy of a joyous life.  

  • Fear of Judgement: Whenever you put yourself out there, you leave yourself vulnerable to others’ opinions of you. You may fear what others think and how you look in others’ eyes. This fear prevents you from being your most authentic self and loving yourself. 

    When you do not believe in yourself, others will follow this belief. When you rely on the opinions of others, you are giving your own power away. You must tune into what brings you joy and lights you up. Listen to your intuition and let it guide you on your path. You must believe in the work that you do, believe and have faith in who you are and what you have to offer. This will attract people who believe and support you. 

  • Fear of Rejection: When you fear being accepted into society’s norms, you may be scared of sharing your unique abilities and talents. It’s a form of protection. Protecting who you are and what you want to share with others. 

    Think of rejection as your compass, your guide. When something doesn’t occur in the way you want it to, you are being protected from what will not serve you in the highest good. You are being freed up to receive something else just as good or even better!

  • Comparing Ourselves to Others: When we compare ourselves to others, we focus on what we have versus what we don’t have. We lose sight of our own desires and we play it safe, minimizing our risks of putting ourselves out there. 

    Everyone is different and that is what makes our World so beautiful! You are unique and have a special approach. This is your power! Your unique way of doing things, how you communicate with others, the essence of who you are is what brings your ideal job, relationships, clients, environment to you. Who you are is your magnet of attraction!

Fears are an illusion. If you do not give your fears power, they will not have power over you. You are more than capable of living your dream. The climb may look impossible, but only you can make it possible! You are everything you need to achieve greatness! Step out from your limiting beliefs, break away from the fears that chain you down, and find freedom in who you are!


Believe In Who You Are


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