What Is Human Design?

As of recently, there has been a lot of chatter around Human Design, but a lot of people are left clueless when trying to understand what it actually is. In the most simplistic terms, Human Design is like an energetic circuit board generated from your birth information (Date, Time & Place). Calibrated by the alignment of the planets and the stars on your birthday, generating a chart detailing out your unique composition. This energetic circuit board provides a blueprint to turning on your battery, also known as, your inner light, your soul’s purpose. Human Design offers a solution to the very question – what am I here to do? Human Design is not a belief system, but rather a tool kit to live your most aligned life. When we are aligned, it brings forth self-acceptance in who we are and we are no longer chasing after who others think we should be.

The 5 Design Types: Generator, Manifesting Generator, Projector, Manifestor, and Reflector 

A Generator, the builder type, sits at around 38% of the population; is fueled by passion and they are our world’s “doers”. Generators function the best when they respond to their gut instinct, so it’s especially important for them to have a great relationship with their intuition. They have access to an energy source called the Sacral Center which provides them with the stamina needed to complete a task. However, they only have access to this limitless energy when they are doing what lights them up, which is why it’s uberly important for them to understand what their purpose is. 

Manifesting Generators, around 32% of the population, also have access to their Sacral Center, providing limitless amounts of energy when tapped into their core values and purpose. They should also ensure to have a very strong relationship with their intuition as their gut will inform them if something is correct for them or not. The difference between Manifesting Generators and Generators is that MG’s have the ability to initiate something into motion, but only after first responding to their gut instinct. 

Projectors, the leaders of the bunch, are around 21% of the population. Projectors are like birds in the trees, observing everything around them and swooping in when needed. They function best when they are recognized and invited in to solve a problem, to answer a question, or invited to join a social event. In fact, it is correct for them to wait for the invitation. Projectors are very complex beings with a focused and absorbing aura. Being the “youngest” or “newest” of the Types, as they only started appearing on this planet in 1781, they are here for a very particular purpose. 

Manifestors are our world’s innovators, they are around 8% of the population and are designed to initiate. Their energy is directly correlated to how inspired they are and can quickly burn out without proper care. Their aura can be protective and repelling, but only to protect the seed of inspiration they so desperately need in order to generate energy. They are here to evoke change, disrupt the norm, and bring about action. It can be detrimental to their health if they are unclear about their true purpose because they will have an abundance of initiating energy, but will lack clarity for how to properly use it. 

Last, but not least, we have our Reflectors, which is the rarest type sitting at 1% of the population. They are our life samplers who are able to reflect back to us our level of awareness and consciousness. They are the world’s mirrors, and therefore their environment and the people they surround themselves with are their biggest influence. They are most aligned when waiting a complete lunar cycle 

(28 days) before making big life decisions. They take in the energy of everyone else around them and need to be super clear on what it is they want. They are the most open to conditioning because all their centers are undefined; so it’s crucial for them to have a strong inner compass and a defined purpose in life. 

How Can Human Design Benefit Me?

We are living in an era of information overload. Constantly chasing after things that do not serve us. Human Design provides two key elements, your Strategy and Authority which help you in making clear decisions that are in line with who you are and therefore leading you on the path most aligned with your being. It teaches you how to listen to your body’s messages rather than always listening to your mind. When you are actively listening to yourself the way that feels most natural for you, you are met with less resistance in life. 

Each person has their own unique design. Knowing your design gives you such freedom and confidence - This Is Who I Naturally Am

Curious about your design? Check out your FREE design by visiting www.therootedpurpose/souldesign


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Parenting By Design