Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique℠ (QHHT®)

This powerful approach created by Dolores Cannon that allows you to go into the deepest level trance called Theta which occurs twice a day - prior to you falling asleep and prior to you waking up. Through visualization, you will  travel through your past lives and connect with your Higher Self who knows every aspect of you.

Your Higher Self is always connected to Source and therefore holds all knowledge of your past lives as well as your current life.  QHHT® enables all people to connect with The Subconscious, no matter what their background, belief system, culture, or religion is. When we incarnate into our life, we forget the blueprint of our soul. 

Through QHHT®, you are able to travel back through time and space to remember who you truly are. It allows you to dig deep within yourself to bring any  key issues, life patterns, fears, emotions, etc. to the surface so that you are able to heal yourself at the root cause and move forward in life the way you intended.

Nothing is impossible! We only create our own limits in our own minds. When we allow ourselves to open our minds to what is possible, anything is possible!


QHHT® Session - What To Expect

A QHHT® session can be anywhere from 4-6 hours. Only the client is able to participate in the session. Any other guests will have to wait outside of the room or return when the session has ended. We spend the first 1-2 hours discussing life patterns, the key people and relationships in your life, fears/anxieties, health issues, an overall look at your life. The client is asked to bring a list of questions they would like to present to the Subconscious to gain clarity on where these blockages come from and how they can be healed. 

We then move into the hypnotherapy session which can last up to 2 hours. The subconscious will only bring you to what is appropriate and important for you to learn. It will never give you more than what you can handle. The client's questions are asked to gain clarity and a deeper understanding of what life lessons are to be learned.

If suitable, the Subconscious will heal these blockages. Typically, by recognizing and learning why we go through what we go through or why we experience certain emotions, this is sufficient enough for it to be relieved and removed. We end the session discussing what is revealed during the hypnotherapy session. The client will receive a copy of the recorded session.

How Can QHHT® Benefit Me?

Everyone has a unique experience when they do and in many cases it is life altering. Here are a few benefits:

  • Rapid Healing

  • Spiritual Understanding + Growth

  • Discover Root Causes to Health Issues

  • Gain Clarity + Guidance on Life Purpose

  • In-depth Understanding to Relationships

  • Release Limiting Thoughts

  • Renewed Motivation to Make Changes

  • Relief From Mental + Emotional Symptoms

  • Release Past Traumas + Dissolve Fears

What Is The Next Step?

QHHT® compliments my soul coaching programs as we all have to start somewhere when looking deep within ourselves. This will bring key issues + patterns to the surface and my coaching programs will continue to guide you as you move forward.

**Currently only available in Massachusetts & surrounding areas



“My biggest takeaway from the session was I got clarity around my business name.  For MONTHS I had been trying to figure it out.  During our session it came to me clear as day, Be Martin Wellness! I was not prepared for the FLOOD of emotions that overcame me when I made this connection.  I had my session on January 10, 2019 with Briana, and on March 9, 2019 I started my business! I am forever grateful to Briana for this experience! Looking forward to my journey as I serve as the bridge to help people transform their health and wellness.”

— Beulah Martin, Founder + CEO of Be Martin Wellness