.: Create Your TO BE List :.

Instead of writing your “To Do” list, write your “To Be” list. Who do you want to be? What are your core values? Write your TO BE list on a daily/weekly basis.

For Example:

I will be present for my family.

I will be positive and uplifting.

I will be grateful for this day.

I will become the best version of myself.

I will become my dream.

It can be a bit overwhelming when you have a big dream. You have this vision but have no idea HOW you are going to make it happen...

What if I told you that you didn’t have to worry about the HOW? That your responsibility was to have the courage to take the first step, and each step after that?

A VISION is something that requires help from a higher power. This differs from a goal. A goal is something you already know how to do.

So ask your yourself, does my vision, my purpose require help from a higher power? If the answer is no then it’s not BIG ENOUGH.

The Universe will take care of the HOW, so have courage and take your action steps to living your purposeful life!


Parenting By Design