The Struggle Is Real… #MOMLIFE

Ok Mamas! I know we’ve all heard that being a MOM is the hardest job in the world! And it is absolutely 100% TRUE! The struggle is real and we are trying to be the very best mom our child needs. We overload ourselves with “how to parent” books, text our mom friends for guidance and tips, Googling how to get our child to eat, sleep, communicate... The list goes on and on! Let’s face it, we are trying to do everything by the book and perfectly because we want our child to fit in and succeed. 

And then there’s the feeling of mom guilt that we all know all too well. The guilt over not doing everything perfectly, working too much, not working enough, not spending enough time playing with your kids, not enrolling our child in enough sports or extracurricular activities. We have put ourselves under great amounts of pressure making sure our child has every opportunity to succeed, that we tend to get wrapped up in the “time crunch” of our daily routine, and lose sight of living in the moment and enjoying our child. 

Are you ready to let go of the high pressure, mom guilt, and information overload in order to try intentional parenting? When we parent with intention, we are tuning into what our child needs and adapting our parenting style to support them.  We are listening to what is being said as well as not being said. We are advocating for what is best and for who they are. We are there to guide and nourish their passions as they find their own way in life. 

When you have an understanding of your child’s Soul Design, you become an empowered Mama who empowers her little one. You gain clarity in who your child was born to be and how they naturally operate. When you know your little one on a soul level, you gain confidence in your unique parenting style. This parenting style may or may not be in books or Google or from your mom friends. It is an intuitive technique that has been with you all along. Remember, your child chose you to be their parent. You have everything they need within you. 

The reason why being a Mom is the hardest job in the world is because you have to expand beyond how you naturally operate. Your little one is teaching you how to love, understand, respect, and accept someone who is completely different from you. This is where the growth takes place. So let go of the pressure to conform, let go of everything that is causing you stress as a parent, and meet them where they are at, embrace their uniqueness, and celebrate their one-of-kind style! 


Man Up, Son!


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