Return To You

A coaching program designed to help you remember who you were BORN TO BE.

Are you ready to take a transformative journey? Return To You Coaching is a unique program designed in helping you remember who you were born to be! It is a 360-degree look into what is holding you back in life, where it roots from, and how to heal yourself so you can have the confidence and courage to live life as your most authentic self.

I integrate Human Design into my private coaching sessions along with hypnosis to help you discover the root causes to your life blocks and receive guidance on how you can close the gap between where you are now and where you want to be.

This is for you if…

  • you want to break-free from the struggles and fears that are holding you back from living the life you want to live

  • you are feeling lost, not knowing who you are or what path you want to take in life

  • you lack motivation in taking actionable steps towards your life goals

  • you are feeling stuck and confused, like you are not living life the way you should be and you are not really fulfilling your purpose

  • you do not know what brings you joy and happiness

  • you want to take a holistic healing approach to getting your life back on track

  • you are unhappy with your current job, relationship, or with yourself

  • you are willing to expand yourself and your mind, putting your heart and soul into your work

Ask yourself, are you finally ready?

  • Feel empowered to step into your truest power of who you are?

  • Work through your blocks and unleash your highest potential?

  • Share your unique talents + gifts with others?

  • Shed the conditioned layers of yourself so you can live in an authentic way?

  • Follow your dreams + passions and live a fulfilled life?

  • Gain a deeper understanding of your personal experiences so they no longer hold you back?

  • Feel free and proud to be yourself?

If this sounds like you, I can help

Hi there! I’m Briana Kiley, a Leading Soul Coach whose passion is to Empower Women to Be Who they are Born to Be. I’ve experienced losing sight of oneself while being a mom, the stuck moments, and the fear to follow one’s dream. This is why I created this program Return To You!

I’ve dedicated my time to uncovering the secrets to knowing oneself on a soul level, healing past traumas, and breaking through fears. My journey as a soul coach started over 7 years ago and it has taken me to incredible heights of success. I incorporate Human Design and Quantum Healing Hypnosis when working 1:1 with my clients. Guiding them as they peel back the layers to reach the root of it all.

When we become fully aware of where we’ve held our emotions, fears, and anxieties in our bodies and how the people and places we’ve surrounded ourselves with during our lifetime, we gain clarity and a deeper understanding of how it has molded us into our being. Through this program, you will uncover the relationships, health issues, fears that have held you back in life, look at them with a new lens, a new perspective, honor the life lesson, and start taking steps forward to

Who You Want To Be.

Who You Are Born To Be.

Your Rooted Purpose.

What You’ll Receive…

  • Private Coaching Calls With Briana Kiley

    Each week you will have an empowering 1-hour private coaching session with me as well as a monthly 30-min. Accountability Call that will be recorded so you can return to it whenever you like. We will be taking a 360-degree look at your life: Inner self + Outer self + Higher self + Whole self during the 12-week program.

    (Valued $1,350)

  • Quantum Healing Hypnosis Session

    Let’s take an inward journey to finding the root cause to whatever is holding you back in life! This is an in-person hypnosis session where we dive into health + relationships + career + financials…any aspect of your life that may be causing a block for you. This consists of an initial conversation unpacking your life stories + hypnosis + post discussion to help you connect the dots so we can clear the blocks and promote self-healing.

    (Valued $400)

  • Anxiety Relief 3-Sessions with Alexa Isenhart

    3 Private coaching sessions to help you work through your anxiety struggles. She will provide guidance and anxiety relief techniques that will leave you feeling relaxed and more balanced.

    (Valued $300)

  • Unique Soul Design

    Receive your unique Soul Design based on your birth date + time + birth location. This 40+ page eBook will be your foundation to build upon! I use Human Design principles in creating this customized design for you where you learn your Authority + Strategy + Optimal way of living + communicating and so much more!

    (Valued $120)

  • 40+ Page Soul Workbook

    Download the Soul Workbook and use as a guide during your coaching program. Follow journal prompts + answer questions + read through the guidance to keep you on track to transforming your life.

    (Valued $97)

  • Unlimited Email Support In Between Sessions

    Email me anytime with your questions + thoughts + ideas!! I’m here for you and want to see you succeed!

A total value of: $1,957


What you’ll be learning…

  • Week 1 + 2: Our coaching sessions will be centered around your Soul Design where you will learn…

    • how to make decisions that are in alignment with who you are

    • natural communication style and how to build successful relationships

    • optimal environment + digestion

    • deconditioning yourself from “who you should be” to “who you are born to be”

    • profile type + incarnation cross

    • work life balance

    • how you absorb information + learn

    • key indicators of when you are out of alignment vs. in alignment

  • Week 3 + 4 Inner Self: Creating your vision for the future using your inner child as your compass.

  • Week 5 + 6 Outer Self: How your 7 Main Roots influence the way you live. Using what inspires you to up level yourself.

  • Week 7 + 8 Higher Self: Trusting yourself and the process. Learn how to use your intuition + your Human Design Authority has your road map in life.

  • Week 9 + 10 Whole Self: Stepping out of your own way and stepping into your power so that you can Be Your Purpose. Clearing the blocks in your life and integrating self-healing rituals so you feel whole again.

  • Week 11 + 12 QHHT Session: Receive your hypnosis session where we journey deep within to discover the root causes to your life blocks. Receive guidance from your Higher Self to help you move forward in living out your Dream and having the courage and confidence to be your truest self!

    * If you are unable to attend hypnosis in-person we will substitute with a 4hr. soul coaching + meditation session where we unpack your life stories and I help you connect the dots, close the gap between where you are and where you want to be.

    *QHHT Hypnosis Session is available for those willing to travel to Central Massachusetts