Does Your Child Have a Defined or Undefined Solar Plexus?

Let’s talk about the Solar Plexus and how it can help you as a mom to know if your child has a defined or undefined Solar Plexus center. Firstly, if you are not sure what I am talking about, you need to look up your child’s Human Design Chart HERE. Once you have your child’s bodygraph up, see if the far right bottom triangle is colored in or white. If it’s colored in it means it’s “defined” and if it’s white that means it’s “undefined”.

If your child has a “Defined Solar Plexus” this means their emotional center has consistent access to their emotional processing system . Here are a few helpful tips that can support your parenting style:

  • they have the ability to understand the mechanics of their emotional wave

  • they are able to learn, grow and cultivate wisdom through emotional depth

  • give them sacred space to ride their emotional wave and process how they feel

  • they are here to develop emotional regulation skills and awareness of how their emotions bring clarity over time

  • introduce breathing techniques to help them learn how to regulate their emotion and how they feel

  • your child will thrive if they learn that their emotions are not to be labeled as right/wrong or good/bad

If your child has an “Undefined Solar Plexus” this means their emotional center is inconsistent with experiencing and processing emotions . Here are some helpful tips that can support your parenting style:

  • they are empathetic and extremely sensitive to others emotions

  • they have the capacity to amplify the emotional climate of any environment

  • help them to identify if the emotion they are feeling is theirs vs. someone else’s

  • teach them to set healthy boundaries

  • they are here to develop emotional awareness and learn how to observe emotions without identifying with them

  • your child will thrive if they learn that it's not their responsibility to take on the emotional burdens of others

  • provide a safe, sacred space for your child to ride their emotional wave

  • if they are arguing with a sibling, friend or even parent, have your child take a moment away from the other person to calm down their energy

I use HD to help me tweak my parenting style for each of my 3 sons. Just looking at the Solar Plexus, two of my sons have a defined solar plexus while 1 has an undefined solar plexus. My son with the undefined Solar Plexus is very sensitive and very emotional plus he’s a Cancer so we have many ups and downs when it comes to his emotions.

Since I’m aware that he has an undefined solar plexus, I know when something happens to one of his brothers and they are in tears, odds are he will also be in tears because he truly absorbs the feeling and feels it deeply as well (amplifies the emotion). He may also be bouncing off the walls happy as can be one minute then in tears the following minute because something made him upset. While my other 2 sons may not be affected at all!

With knowing this piece of his birth chart, I am more patient with him. I’m not telling him to “stop crying”, “be strong”, “be tough” NO! I’m giving him sacred space to ride through the emotion he is feeling without labeling or judging. This is how he naturally processes emotion. And THAT’S OK!

This is how learning my son’s Human Design transformed my parenting. It’s given me patience, support, understanding into my children and who they are.


Man Up, Son!