Follow Your Child’s Lead

When it comes to learning, there are several paths. Each child has their own learning style. Spending this past year teaching my son has opened my eyes. It has given me the opportunity to really notice how my child absorbs and applies information as well as what his optimal learning environment looks like. As a parent to two children, I also see the differences in how they learn, communicate, whether they are left or right-minded thinkers, and if they need to see the big picture or focus on what is in front of them at the time. Whether they work best individually or in a group, if they need several breaks or like to power through, the subjects that interest them as well as the areas that need extra support and motivation.

The incredible part is I knew all of these aspects, plus more when they were born and now I’m watching them grow into themselves. The people they were born to be! With each new child, I literally feel like a new Mom all over again. Sure, I may have the parenting foundation, but I knew each child would have a different personality, would learn and communicate differently. This meant I had to learn how to adjust my techniques to meet the unique needs for each child. Thankfully, I had created my own, “Parenting Manual” through Human Design, and I dove right into studying each child’s astrology chart. I pulled the detailed information based on their birth details and created a Soul Design for each. As parents, we all make mistakes, get upset or frustrated, we are human after all! But as they grow and develop, their Soul Designs continue to support me through the parenting journey.

Your child chose you to be their parent. They chose you for many reasons and knew you were the best person they would need as their guide in life. Always remember that! You have what it takes to empower, nourish, and support your little one in becoming who they are meant to be! And your child intuitively knows what they like, don’t like, what works and doesn’t work for them. Provide a sacred space for them to explore, make mistakes, learn from their experiences, and develop their passions. Your child knows the way, it’s imbedded within them, so follow their lead.

Here are some helpful tips for empowering your child:

  • Listen to them and what they have to say

  • Pay attention to what lights them up and makes them excited

  • Hold space for them when they become frustrated, angry or sad

  • Give them the time to feel through each emotion

  • Help them find ways to share what they love with others

  • Teach them how to look within themselves for guidance or answers

  • Respect who they are and their differences

  • Celebrate their uniqueness

  • Teach your child to trust themselves and the decisions they make

Your child may be young, but their soul is old and wise!


The Struggle Is Real… #MOMLIFE


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