My Story

Hello Beautiful Friend!

My name is Briana Kiley and I’m the Founder of the Rooted Purpose. I’m a mom to 3 incredible + active boys with loads of energy, humor, and love! We all have a story of where we began and how we got to where we are today. My journey is constantly evolving, molding me into who I am meant to be. Growing up, I have always been drawn to holistic health, natural healing, and nature! I was so intrigued how we could become channels of healing energy. I was initially called to learn Usui Reiki and became a certified Reiki Master/ Teacher. I quickly learned the power of the mind and the ability to heal oneself.

I knew everything we carried, held onto, came from a root cause. That was when I was guided to the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT®) created by Delores Cannon. I’m currently a Level 1 QHHT® Practitioner and I’m humbled every time I work with a new client.

It’s my passion to help people uncover their root causes to the areas they resist in life. I believe if you become aware of what the root cause is, you will be able to heal yourself at your core, which would ultimately help you to move forward in your life and live the way you have always intended.

The one question everyone seems to have is, “What is my life purpose?” From this question, I created coaching program “Harvest Your Light” and “Parent With Purpose”. I want to help empower you to uncover + rediscover + return to your purest essence of who you are which is LOVE. To build faith and courage, to step away from what no longer serves you, and step forward into becoming your purpose.

When having my babies and as I watch them grow, I wanted to know everything I could in order to be the best mom I could be. They were all so completely different and when I thought I had figured out how to communicate to one son, my technique would not work with the other son. So I ordered their astrology charts which was such a game changer for me. I gained a deeper understanding into who they are and how they operate. Then, I discovered Human Design which expanded my knowledge into who my children are and how to best support + nurture + advocate for them. I wanted to create a coaching program for Moms that used Human Design as their foundation into their child’s world. And that is how “Parent With Purpose” was born!

We may hold onto emotions, life experiences, health issues that stem from this life or another lifetime. We leave tiny embers behind and they never go out completely, instead they slowly burn. And when you remember who you truly are, as a soul, you add oxygen to those tiny embers and they begin to burn brighter and brighter. Soon enough, you light the fire within you and your wildfire begins to spread, first through you and then to others; helping to spread the light in this world!

As your soul coach, I promise to hold sacred space + provide you with my full support + motivate you to dive deep within + empower you to take action steps + celebrate with you when you live your Rooted Purpose.
