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Usui Reiki Level 1 Training

  • Journey Within Yoga Studio Hubbardston, MA USA (map)

Reiki Level 1 Training introduces students to Reiki. Students will learn the history of Reiki and how to apply this ancient, sacred art to increase health and wellness. During the training, students will learn to treat themselves with Reiki. Through self-treatment, students will deepen their connection to Reiki energy. Additionally, students will learn the proper body mechanics and therapeutic techniques needed to provide a Reiki treatment session to others. Students will also receive Reiki attunement. The attunement increases intuition and the ability to access and transmit Reiki.

Course Curriculum:

What Energy Feels Like To You

  • Reiki History

  • Energy Chakras

  • Hand Positions

  • How to Clear Energy

  • Reiki Attunement

  • Meditations

Reiki 1 Course Includes:

  • Professionally prepared 30-page manual. 

  • In-person instruction with time for questions. 

  • Attunement to 1 Usui Reiki symbol

  • Time to practice your new skills.

  • A “Certificate of Completion” verifying that you are a Reiki I Practitioner.

  • Light snacks + water + tea provided.

    Total Investment: $225 

    Special Discount if registering for both Reiki 1 + 2

    Total Investment $495

    Contact Briana Kiley to Register!

    (508) 212-9495

March 3

Living Your Design

June 2

Usui Reiki Level 2 Training